Our Mission
The Free Clinic of the Greater Menomonie Area provides access to primary health care and preventive health education for the people of Western Wisconsin who have no health care alternative or are under-insured.
Origin of the Free Clinic
In November, 2003, a group of people from Dunn County formed the “Dunn County Coalition to Provide Medical Care to the Uninsured.” The vision of this group to start a clinic to provide medical care for the uninsured and underinsured led to the creation of the Free Clinic of the Greater Menomonie Area. The Clinic incorporated in July, 2004 and was granted 501 (c)(3) status that October. With advice from the Chippewa Valley Free Clinic in Eau Claire and the effort of the initial board of directors, The Free Clinic opened its doors on March 1, 2005.
The Free Clinic is supported by the generosity of individuals and organizations of Dunn County and by a variety of grants. We provide free primary health care and preventive health education to uninsured residents of Dunn and surrounding counties each Tuesday evening by appointment.
If you are visiting our website in order to locate medical care, to see what the Free Clinic is about or to donate, we welcome you.
The Free Clinic Staff and Volunteers
For information on how to donate, click here.
Board of Directors
President: Nels Paulson, UW-Stout
Secretary: Andrea Nodolf, Dunn County District Attorney
Treasurer: Mike Fekete, Community Member
Medical Director: Steven Rosas, MD, Mayo Clinic Health System
Dr. Christine DeLanghe, Maple Ridge Dental
Lynn Fekete, Community Member
MaryBeth Fitzgerald, Community Member
Marsha Harbin, Community Member
Morgan Hewitt, Mayo Clinic Health System
Christina Mayer, Dunn County Circuit Court Judge
Mark Winterfeldt, Olson Funeral Home
Quotes from our patients:
“The Free Clinic is a life saver. Working two minimum wage jobs with no insurance makes life difficult. Without the Free Clinic helping me with my blood pressure medication, I don’t know what I would do. Thank you to all the staff at the Free Clinic!”
“I have a few medication conditions that I NEED medications to help control and to alleviate symptoms. I ran out of my medications (all of them) two weeks prior to coming to the Free Clinic. My primary doctor referred me to the Free Clinic so I can get help with getting the medication I need to stay alive. Without these medication my heart doesn’t beat properly, my thyroid doesn’t function properly and my chance of fighting cancer would be slim to none! So thank you all for what you do to help people like me not leave their children without a mother because we ran out of money to pay for these lifesaving medications! Thank you!”
“I don’t have insurance and fall into an in-between stage. I have several meds that I need refills for and the Free Clinic helps with the labs and refill of these.”
“All of you have been wonderful to me from the Free Clinic. Thank you very much for being here for me.”
“I make low income and cannot afford to see a doctor.”
“Without the assistance of the Free Clinic with medications, I most certainly would not be around for my grandchildren.”
“The Menomonie Free Clinic was very helpful. Without this clinic I am not sure what I would do.”
“They help me get my medications that I can’t afford. So glad they are here to help us.”
“Everyone is always very professional and polite to you when you come into the Free Clinic.”
“The Free Clinic is helpful to me because I would not be able to afford a doctor visit without it.”
“A very friendly experience.”
“They make me smile! Less pain due to medication and good help. Thank you!”
“They’ve helped me a lot. I was really bad and they help me with the medicine I need for diabetes. Now I feel much better and can work again” * translated from Spanish*